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Social Media / Digitally ILLITERATE Does not HAVE A CLUE!


NEWS FLASH **** FB ....IS AN ADVERTISING COMPANY --- Just like how you get FREE TV.... From ABC, NBC, CBS!

It is NOT.... "YOUR" POST OR "YOUR" PAGE..... It is owned by Facebook!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#Elinxus, #QRCode, #Hobbs4GOV, #Call2ACTIONSymbol, #EngageDirectMeasure, #BudgetVideo4BIZ, #Push2GO, #Listen2LEARN, #WATCH2LEARN, #ROITRAC, #VideoProducer, #Video, #Marketing, #Sales, #Coach, #Podcaster, #Speaker, #Entrepreneur, #Politics, #Leader, #Motivation #EngageDirectMeasure(TM) , #Call2ACTIONSymbol (TM) , #Push2GO(TM) , #ROITRAC(TM) - - #EngageDirectMeasure #Call2ACTIONSymbol (TM) #Push2GO (TM)





PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL MEDIA EDUCATION – PRO BONO….the vast majority of what I do is ALTRUISTIC…Some would
complain about the color of the Brinks truck that was trying to deliver a million dollars.
They have not figured out SOCIAL MEDIA…..
Nor do they have a clue that “A Rising Tide Lifts ALL Boats!”
They must have been “absent from Class” the day the teacher taught…. “It is better to GIVE, than to Receive!”
One of my goals that I devote a LOT of time to… saving the lives of half people in the world…
1 in 6 men will get Prostate Cancer before they die… My efforts are to be sure “NO MAN DIES FROM STUBBORNESSTM

I have found I need every helpful, caring, kind heart that wants to walk the path with me. God Bless you with success as you try to
go it alone.
FB Rewards Selflessness!
Did you know Facebook penalizes folks who are “all about themselves” and actually rewards unselfishness?
–>> So, the next time
you see a post from someone on YOUR timeline, be sure to INTERACT – “like
“, “share”, and “comment”!
That way, YOUR posts will get a wider distribution… and your message will be seen by the” friends” of that person you interacted
So, NEVER complain or report someone posting a comment on your post…. Even if it is a little “off-topic”
That person is actually HELPING you… By giving your posts DISTRIBUTION that you otherwise would have to PAY facebook
for… running a “featured post” – actually an AD!
Yes, Facebook is not about kids and cats….it is an ADVERTISING COMPANY…Just like
….which is how most people get their FREE RIDE!
Facebook is NOT a 501 (3)(c) CHARITY…
You have to “PAY TO PLAY”
….and…..I pay A TON!
******************** Historically, over $10,000 annually for my clients and my own account!
So, did I misunderstand your attempt to THANK ME … for PAYING for YOUR Free Ride?
We hope this helpful, EDUCATIONAL PIECE will be too!
Lady Audio Podcast Teaches how to do QR Code — CORRECTLY! #Push2GO
Lady Audio – VIDEOCAST
Lady Audio Podcast – Walmart rebates $150/yr. #Push2GO #QRCode
——->>>> Just like
Who would ever say… it is not good “Etiquette” for ABC to broadcast a commercial into my Living Room?
If I am a “Free-Loader”, that is exactly what I must ACCEPT…. Or spend dollars to get PBS, etc.
So, if you substitute the name of any major TV advertising company for “facebook”… you come to totally different conclusions!
And, as far as this ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY on facebook…. Who ever said it was YOUR page, or YOUR Group, or YOUR
Imagine if I set up my pup tent in YOUR front yard – or parked my Motor Home in your driveway – and declared, this is MY
TENT and My SPACE…. And I am going to set the RULES for who can enter…. As ridiculous as that sounds, that is exactly
what 90+ percent of facebook users think.
#Call2ACTIONSymbols #Push2GO #EngageDirectMeasure
#LOVE2BAmerican #JRanchCA #SaveTheChildren #Country1st #HOBBS4GOV #Push2GO #Call2ACTIONSymbols #QRCode

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#QRCode….. Done CORRECTLY – By a PRO! Not amateurs using “freebie” software
FOR ADDITIONAL VALUE: Please follow me!
BudgetVideo4BIZBudgetVideo4BIZ – #Call2ACTIONSymbol – GROUP

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The psychological reason that so many fall for the “Big Lie”

There’s a counterintuitive explanation for why big lies may be easier to believe than small ones

Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels coined the term “Big Lie.” According to the supposed quote, Goebbels said that if you tell “a lie big enough” and regularly repeat it, “people will eventually come to believe it.”

That said, Adolf Hitler actually did use the phrase “big lie” — but not to describe his own propaganda strategy. In a darkly ironic case of psychological projection, he came up with the expression to defame the Jewish community.

“In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility,” Hitler wrote in “Mein Kampf,” his 1925 autobiographical manifesto.

He observed that most people are only comfortable telling small lies, and imagined others would be as uncomfortable as themselves perpetuating big ones. “It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously,” Hitler explained.

“Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation.”

Indeed, like
many abusers before him, Hitler rationalized his own depraved behavior by falsely accusing his victims of doing the same thing.

The story of World War II is, in many ways, a tale of a Big Lie run amok. Germany felt humiliated after its loss in World War I, and the nationalistic pride which had fueled that conflict still burned in the hearts of millions.
This tactic, of a leader hypnotizing vast swathes of the public through the perpetuation of a grandiose falsehood, is a phenomenon that extends well beyond World War II and Adolf Hitler. Recently, the term has been recycled to refer to the falsity that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” in some indeterminate way, a lie that is repeated ad infinitum by Trump and a slew of his supporters at all levels from yard-sign wielding footsoldier all the way up to his closest legal counsel.

The term “Big Lie” is believed to have been first popularized in the Anglophone world by Walter Langer, a psychoanalyst who prepared a psychological profile of Adolf Hitler for the U.S. government in 1943. In that report, Langer wrote:
[Hitler’s] primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

Beyond Langer, psychologists and sociologists throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century have been intrigued by the success of the Big Lie strategy — meaning a story pushed by a political leader that is clearly bald-faced, yet so grandiose as to make it hard to believe that someone would fabricate it.

Indeed, it is an intriguing question as to why this works politically, and why so many millions are so quick to believe Big Lies — be it about voting fraud or Jewish conspiracies. The counterintuitive nature of the Big Lie tactic is perhaps what is most peculiar: wouldn’t a small lie be easier to pass off than a large one?

Not necessarily, psychologists say.

——>>>>>> “Repetition is important, because the Big Lie works through indoctrination,” Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a licensed clinical psychologist and professor of psychology who is noted as an expert on narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic abuse, told Salon by email.

——->>>>>> “The Big Lie then becomes its own evidence base — if it is repeated enough, people believe it, and the very repetition almost tautologically becomes the support for the Lie.”

Durvasula added that this is amplified by the numerous media platforms which exist in the modern era, as they trick people into thinking a certain falsehood has been reinforced even if all of their media platforms have the same political leanings.

****** The banners and hats crucially add an air of silliness to everything. If I can buy a novelty hat about it, can it really be so serious? It’s a genius mindf**k.”

“Hear something enough it becomes truth,” Durvasula explained. “People assume there is an evidence base when the lie is big (it’s like
a blind spot).”

Indeed, Hitler rose to power through a Big Lie that soothed Germans’ wounded egos and targeted already-popular scapegoats: Jews and socialists, who according to the Nazi narrative had betrayed Germany through backroom dealings after the empire had won on the battlefield.

All of the “evidence” that Hitler marshaled to support this claim was false (fact-checkers who pointed this out were described as Jews promoting a “big lie”), and for that reason only die-hard Nazis believed the Big Lie — at first.

After Hitler gained power, however, he was able to effectively spread both that fabrication and other lies, convincing more and more people that a conspiracy of Jews and leftists were enemies of Europe’s supposedly superior races. Dissent was squashed, fascism prevailed and even so-called moderates began to think that there must be at least some truth in the accusations. After all, they were being repeated everywhere.

******** This omnipresence, apparently, is a big part of what makes it so easy for people to be fooled by a Big Lie.

Logician Miriam Bowers-Abbott, an associate professor at Mount Carmel College of Nursing, stressed the importance of repetition in spreading a Big Lie.

“What’s especially helpful is repetition in a variety of contexts,” Bowers-Abbott wrote to Salon. “That is, not just the same words over and over — but integration of an idea in lots of ways. It builds its own little web of support.”

As a hypothetical example, Bowers-Abbott suggested a scenario where she would want to falsely convince Salon that green grapes are a superfood.

“I need to do more than state, ‘Green grapes are a superfood’ repetitively, I need to work it into conversations,” Bowers-Abbott explained. “‘Oh, I see grapes are on sale this week, so much nutrition at such a low price!’; ‘My dietician has a great superfood recipe that features kale and grapes!’; ‘Yes! Green grapes are green! That’s the color of superfoods!'”

Dr. Matt Blanchard, a clinical psychologist at New York University, told Salon by email that this kind of immersion does not have to be merely rhetorical. If the purveyors of a Big Lie are shrewd, they can even incorporate it into a target’s physical environment.
#NeverTrump. #MaraLIEgo
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