Imagine if I set up my pup tent in YOUR front yard – or parked my Motor Home in your driveway – and declared, this is MY
TENT and My SPACE…. And I am going to set then RULES for who can enter…. As ridiculous as that sounds, that is exactly
what 90+ percent of facebook users think.
#Call2ACTIONSymbols #Push2GO #EngageDirectMeasure
#LOVE2BAmerican #JRanchCA #GOODPINAL #MOA #2Bald #Push2GO #Call2ACTIONSymbols #QRCode
jim.bannon@call2actionsymbol.netsimon Sinek – You DESERVE A Styrofoam Cup of: ROITRAC.COM/2PMX4
PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL MEDIA EDUCATION – PRO BONO….the vast majority of what I do is ALTRUISTIC…Some would
complain about the color of the Brinks truck that was trying to deliver a million dollars.
They have not figured out SOCIAL MEDIA….. Nor do they have a clue that “A Rising Tide Lifts ALL Boats!”
They must have been “absent from Class” the day the teacher taught…. “It is better to GIVE, than to Receive!”
One of my goals that I devote a LOT of time to… saving the lives of half people in the world
1 in 6 men will get Prostate Cancer before they die… My efforts are to be sure NO MAN DIES FROM STUBBORNESS!
I have found I need every helpful, caring, kind heart that wants to walk the path with me. God Bless you with success as you try to
go it alone.
FB Rewards Selflessness!
Did you know Facebook penalizes folks who are “all about themselves” and actually rewards unselfishness? So, the next time
you see a post from someone on YOUR timeline, be sure to INTERACT – “like”, “share”, and “comment”!
That way, YOUR posts will get a wider distribution… and your message will be seen by the” friends” of that person you interacted
So, NEVER complain or report someone posting a comment on your post…. Even if it is a little “off-topic”
That person is actually HELPING you… By giving your posts DISTRIBUTION that you otherwise would have to PAY facebook
for… running a “featured post” – actually an AD!
Yes, Facebook is not about kids and cats….it is an ADVERTISING COMPANY…Just like ABC
….which is how most people get their FREE RIDE.
Facebook is NOT a 501 (3c) CHARITY…
You have to “PAY TO PLAY”
….and…..I pay A TON!
******************** Historically, over $10,000 annually for my clients and my own account!
So, did I misunderstand your attempt to THANK ME … for PAYING for YOUR Free Ride?
FB Rewards Selflessness!
Did you know Facebook penalizes folks who are “all about themselves” and actually rewards unselfishness? So, the next time
you see a post from someone on YOUR timeline, be sure to INTERACT – “like”, “share”, and “comment”!
That way, YOUR posts will get a wider distribution… and your message will be seen by the” friends” of that person you interacted
So, NEVER complain or report someone posting a comment on your post…. Even if it is a little “off-topic”
That person is actually HELPING you… By giving your posts DISTRIBUTION that you otherwise would have to PAY facebook
for… running a “featured post” – actually an AD!
Yes, Facebook is not about kids and cats….it is an ADVERTISING COMPANY…Just like ABC
….which is how most people get their FREE RIDE.
Facebook is NOT a 501 (3c) CHARITY…
You have to “PAY TO PLAY”
….and…..I pay A TON!
******************** Historically, over $10,000 annually for my clients and my own account!
So, did I misunderstand your attempt to THANK ME … for PAYING for YOUR Free Ride?
FB Rewards Selflessness!
Did you know Facebook penalizes folks who are “all about themselves” and actually rewards unselfishness? So, the next time
you see a post from someone on YOUR timeline, be sure to INTERACT – “like”, “share”, and “comment”!
That way, YOUR posts will get a wider distribution… and your message will be seen by the” friends” of that person you interacted
So, NEVER complain or report someone posting a comment on your post…. Even if it is a little “off-topic”
That person is actually HELPING you… By giving your posts DISTRIBUTION that you otherwise would have to PAY facebook
for… running a “featured post” – actually an AD!
Yes, Facebook is not about kids and cats….it is an ADVERTISING COMPANY…Just like ABC
….which is how most people get their FREE RIDE.
Facebook is NOT a 501 (3c) CHARITY…
You have to “PAY TO PLAY”
….and…..I pay A TON!
******************** Historically, over $10,000 annually for my clients and my own account!
So, did I misunderstand your attempt to THANK ME … for PAYING for YOUR Free Ride?
FB Rewards Selflessness!
Did you know Facebook penalizes folks who are “all about themselves” and actually rewards unselfishness? So, the next time
you see a post from someone on YOUR timeline, be sure to INTERACT – “like”, “share”, and “comment”!
That way, YOUR posts will get a wider distribution… and your message will be seen by the” friends” of that person you interacted
So, NEVER complain or report someone posting a comment on your post…. Even if it is a little “off-topic”
That person is actually HELPING you… By giving your posts DISTRIBUTION that you otherwise would have to PAY facebook
for… running a “featured post” – actually an AD!
Yes, Facebook is not about kids and cats….it is an ADVERTISING COMPANY…Just like ABC
….which is how most people get their FREE RIDE.
Facebook is NOT a 501 (3c) CHARITY…
You have to “PAY TO PLAY”
….and…..I pay A TON!
******************** Historically, over $10,000 annually for my clients and my own account!
So, did I misunderstand your attempt to THANK ME … for PAYING for YOUR Free Ride?